freemarker.template.TemplateException: Error reading included file iwov-resources/ftl/common/Floating_Header_Navigation.ftl

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Prepaid Reload

How to reload my local mobile prepaid?

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer' and select the 'Reload' tab
  3. Beside ‘Reload To’, select ‘Mobile Prepaid (Malaysia) and search for your provider from the ‘Telco List’
  4. Key in your mobile number and reload amount 
  5. Check and authorise the transaction via Secure2u
  6. Confirm your transaction and done!

How to reload to an international mobile prepaid?

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to ‘Pay & Transfer’ and select the ‘Reload’ tab
  3. Beside ‘Reload To’, select ‘Mobile Prepaid (International)’ 
  4. Choose from the list of countries and telco available
  5. Key in the mobile number and select a reload amount
  6. Check and authorise the transaction via Secure2u
  7. Confirm your transaction and done!

How to 'Add Favourite' for my mobile prepaid?

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to ‘Pay & Transfer’ and select the ‘Reload’ tab
  3. Select '+' icon to 'Add New Favourite'
  4. Fill in your mobile prepaid details
  5. Select 'Add New Favourite'
  6. Check and authorise the transaction via Secure2u
  7. Select 'Confirm' to complete the process