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Pay & Transfer

How to pay bills?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  3. Select 'Pay' tab
  4. Type to search for the Payee
  5. Fill in your bill details and select 'Pay'
  6. Request for 'Secure Verification' or 'SMS TAC'
  7. Select 'Confirm' to complete payment

How to set recurring payment?

  1. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  2. Select 'Pay' tab
  3. Type to search for the Payee
  4. Fill in your bill details and select 'Set Recurring' toggle
  5. Select your 'Effective Date' and 'End Date'
  6. Select 'Pay'
  7. Request for 'Secure Verification' or 'SMS TAC'
  8. Select 'Confirm' to complete payment

How to review recurring payment?

1. Login with your Maybank2u account.
2. Go to 'Settings'.
3. Select 'Pay & Transfer' tab.
4. Select 'Pay Future & Recurring'.
5. Your list of recurring payments will be displayed here.

How to cancel recurring payment?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u account
  2. Go to 'Settings'
  3. Select 'Pay & Transfer' tab
  4. Select 'Pay Future & Recurring'
  5. Find the future & recurring payment you want to cancel, click 'X' and click 'Yes' to confirm

How to add favourite payee?

  1. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  2. Select 'Pay' tab
  3. Type to search for the Payee
  4. Fill in your bill details and select 'Pay'
  5. Request for 'Secure Verification' or 'SMS TAC'
  6. Select 'Confirm' to complete payment
  7. Select the star icon next to your payment amount to save as favourite payee

How to remove favourite payee?

  1. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  2. Select 'Pay' tab
  3. Select the 'More Options Menu'(three dots)
  4. Select 'Remove Favourite'

How to register bill?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  3. Select 'Pay' tab
  4. Select the 'More Options Menu' (three dots) to 'Register Bill'
  5. Fill in your IC number and select 'Next'
  6. Request for 'Secure Verification' or 'SMS TAC'
  7. Select 'Confirm' to complete bill registration

How to make transfer?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  3. Select 'Transfer' tab
  4. Type to search for the bank name
  5. Fill in your transfer details and select 'DuitNow - InstantTransfer' or ‘IBG’
  6. Request for'Secure Verification' or 'SMS TAC'
  7. Select 'Confirm' to complete payment

How to set recurring transfer?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  3. Select 'Transfer' tab
  4. Type to search for the bank name
  5. Fill in your bill details and select 'Set Recurring' toggle
  6. Select your 'Effective Date' and 'End Date'
  7. Select 'Transfer'
  8. Request for'Secure Verification' or 'SMS TAC'
  9. Select 'Confirm' to complete transfer

How to cancel recurring transfer?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u account
  2. Go to 'Settings'
  3. Select 'Pay & Transfer' tab
  4. Select 'Transfer Future & Recurring'
  5. Find the future & recurring transfer you want to cancel, click 'X' and click 'Yes' to confirm

How to view my favourite accounts?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Select 'Own Accounts' or 'Other Accounts' under 'Transfer To' to view your favourite accounts

How to add favourite transfer?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  3. Select 'Transfer' tab
  4. Type bank name under 'New Transfer'
  5. Fill in your transfer details and select 'Transfer'
  6. Request for 'Secure Verification' or 'SMS TAC'
  7. Select 'Confirm' to complete payment
  8. Select the star icon next to your transfer amount to save as favourite payee

How to remove favourite transfer?

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  3. Select the 'More Options Menu'(three dots)
  4. Select 'Remove Favourite'