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Banking Enquiries
Customer Care Hotline:
1 300 88 6688 (Malaysia)
+603-7844 3696 (Overseas)
Fraud Hotline:
+603 5891 4744
Operating Hour: 24 hours (Including holidays)
National Scam Response Centre Hotline (8am - 8pm daily):
Make an Appointment
Click here to make an appointment at your nearest branch for services such as new account opening, debit card, sales advisory and more.
Head Office
Maybank Islamic Berhad
Level 15, Tower A,
Dataran Maybank,
No 1, Jalan Maarof,
59000 Kuala Lumpur
Credit/Charge Card Collection & Recovery
If you are facing any financial difficulty in servicing your overdue monthly payment for your credit/charge card, please do contact our Collection Department at the below telephone number or email us at
Menara Maybank: +603-2074 8090
Etiqa Twin Towers: +603-2633 9077
Mercu Maybank: +603-2630 1700
American Express Collections: +603-2074 7409
Monday to Thursday, 8.45am - 5.45am
Friday, 8.45am - 4.45pm
(Excluding weekends and public holidays)
Credit Card Centre
Credit Card Hotline:
Bank Negara Malaysia
Peti Surat 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur
1 300 88 5465
+603 2174 1515 (Fax)
The Associations of Banks in Malaysia
The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM)
A-11-1, AICB Building,
No. 10 Jalan Dato’ Onn,
50480 Kuala Lumpur
ABMConnect: 1 300 88 9980
Ombudsman for Financial Services
OFS is an independent body to help resolve disputes between consumers and financial institutions.
You may submit your complaint relating to any banking products and/or services to OFS within six (6) months of receiving the bank's final decision