Frequently Asked Questions

My Maybank2u account is blocked. How do I unblock it?

There could be several reasons why your Maybank2u account is temporarily blocked, but rest assured, it's all in the interest of protecting your account and personal information.

Here's why it might happen:

  1. Incorrect Password Attempts: If you've entered the wrong password multiple times, our system takes action to safeguard your account. This is to prevent unauthorised access.
    Note: If you did not make these attempts, don't hesitate to contact the Maybank Fraud Hotline at +603 5891 4744.
  2. Inactivity: For your security, if you last logged into your account for an extended period (typically 6 to 12 months), your account may be temporarily deactivated. We do this to ensure that only you have access to your account. 

To regain access to your account, follow these simple steps:

  • For MAE Users: When you see a pop-up message indicating temporarily limited access to your account, tap 'Reset Password.'
  • For M2U Web Users: Visit the login page and click 'FORGOT LOGIN DETAILS.'

You can reset your password using the details from the following:

  • Debit card
  • Credit card
  • Charge card
  • Prepaid card
  • Access number

We understand that seeing your account temporarily blocked can be concerning, but please know that this is done with your security in mind. We take these precautions to protect you and your account from unauthorised login attempts. Your security is our top priority, and we appreciate your understanding as we work together to keep your Maybank2u account safe.

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