Maybank Visa Purchasing Card is an electronic payment solution that can be used to replace cash and cheque issuance which is getting more costly while it also provide a means for streamlining the business expenditures, allowing organizations significantly reduce the time and cost of paying for various of business-to-business goods and services locally and globally in an efficient, timely and controlled manner.
Features & Benefits
Greater Efficiency on Purchase Process and Spending
- Company and suppliers can take advantage of a streamlined procure-to-pay process.
- Accelerate the reconciliation process
- Suppliers enjoy the ease and expediency of payment acceptance and expedite delivery of goods.
- Simplifying the payment process and eliminating paperwork
- Enhance purchasing convenience.
- Empowering employee purchasing control and departmental expenses compliance.
Flexibility On Demand Financing
- Enjoy up to 57 days Interest Free period from first transaction day.
- Provides immediate payment to suppliers to increase negotiation leverage.
- Improve cash flow.
- Reduce risk of overdue payment.
Easier To Control and Monitor
- Consolidation of transaction data to improve management audit and enhance analysis reporting.
- Restrict card use to specific types of purchases, spending and even at specific industry.
- Centralised local and global spending.
- Set spending limits by department and employee
- Card administrator and cardholder on access statement.
Convenience Wide Acceptance
- Widespread acceptance of over 30 million merchant outlets.
Click here for Product Disclosure
The Service Tax of RM25 governed by the Service Tax Act 2018 shall be imposed on each Principal and Supplementary Credit/Charge Cards upon card issuance and card anniversary effective 1 September 2018.