
Reload Game Credit

Reload Game Credit

Reload game credit via Maybank2u website and the MAE app

  • Daily Limit:

    RM500 for all Game Credit providers (not including Prepaid Reload)

Game Credits with PIN

How to top up game credit? 

  1. Login with your Maybank2u access
  2. Go to 'Pay & Transfer'
  3. Select 'Reload' tab
  4. Type to search for your game credit provider name
  5. Select prepaid amount and fill in your mobile number details
  6. Check & authorise the transaction via Secure2u
  7. Select 'Confirm' to complete payment

Daily reload limit

Starting from 24 June 2023, the maximum limit for Game Credit is RM500 per day for all game reload providers. Here are some examples:

  • If you’ve reloaded RM200 to Game Credit Provider A today, you can still reload up to RM300 to other game credits on the same day.
  • If you’ve reloaded RM500 to Game Credit Provider A, you will not be able to reload anymore on the same day.

More info

For your security, please be informed that an SMS will be sent to the recipient for Game Credit Reload (Instant and PIN) from the following numbers:

012-2260911, 019-2111911, 019-2266180, 019-3374429, 016-2149443, 016-2516180, 017-3776180, 014-3386180, 019-2866180, 016-2211911, 016-2143346, 016-2143861, 013-7523190, 013-7523192, 019-6049921

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