Save for your dreams with
Tabung in the MAE app

Whether it’s saving up for the ideal car or the perfect vacation, Tabung can help you achieve your dream goals with ease. Start saving with Boosters or save together with friends and family through Group Tabung today!

*Tabungs linked to MAE wallet do not earn interest.

Create a Tabung Now

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Save up solo

There's nothing you can't save for. Whether it's saving for a gadget or your big day, we've got you covered. Create up to 10 Tabungs at once. Get started by setting a Tabung goal from RM10 onwards.

Save up together

As the saying goes, sharing is indeed caring. Try Tabung with your friends and save with up to 5 people in a group! Just invite your friends and set a goal from RM10 onwards.

Create your Tabung easily in minutes! Follow the steps in the video below