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Investors are advised to read carefully and understand the information disclosed in the Sukuk Prihatin’s Terms & Conditions as well as Knowledge Pack before deciding to invest. The salient terms and conditions of Sukuk Prihatin are summarised as follows:



Government of Malaysia (“Government”).


Sukuk Prihatin (Scripless).

Utilisation of Proceeds

Proceeds from the Sukuk Prihatin will be channelled to the Kumpulan Wang COVID-19 to finance measures announced in the economic stimulus packages and recovery plan to address the COVID-19 crisis.

Sukuk Size

Up to RM500 million in nominal value.

Subscription Period


18th August to 17th September 2020.

Issue Date

22nd September 2020.

Islamic Principle

Commodity Murabahah (via Tawarruq).

Tenure & Maturity Date

The Sukuk Prihatin will have a maturity of two (2) years and will mature on 22 September 2022.

Target Investor

Eligible Malaysian individuals and corporates.

Profit Rate to Investors

2% per annum (fixed throughout the tenure).

Frequency of Profit Payments to Investors

Quarterly from the first Issue Date. Profit payment will be credited directly into the Sukukholders’ account by the Primary Distribution Bank.

Minimum and Maximum Amount of Subscriptions

Each application/subscription (initial or subsequent thereafter) amount is at least RM500 and in multiples of RM100. There is no maximum subscription limit.


Principal amount will be credited directly into Sukukholders’ account on maturity date by the Primary Distribution Bank.

Transferability and Assignability

The Sukuk Prihatin are non-tradable, non-transferable and non assignable.

Option to Waive Principle on Maturity Date

Sukukholders may waive the principal amount due (in part or in full) on maturity date, as a contribution to any Government trust account, approved by the Government (“Government Trust Account”).

Tax treatment accorded to Sukukholders

  • All profit from the Sukuk will be tax exempted.
  • For any principal amount waived (in full or in part) by the Eligible Buyer/Applicant on maturity date, the waived amount will be allowed as a deduction in the basis period for the year of assessment where the redemption of the Sukuk Prihatin is made.

The above tax treatment is only applicable to the Eligible Buyer/Applicant and is not applicable to all Financial Institutions, Capital Markets and Services License holder carrying the business of fund management under the CMSA and Registered Trustee who acts on behalf of the Eligible Buyer/Applicant.

Distribution Channels

The offering is fully digital via Internet/Mobile Banking platform using the JomPAY/DuitNow service.

For Maybank customers, kindly log in to your Maybank2u or Maybank2E.

Governing Laws

Laws of Malaysia.

How to subscribe via Maybank2u using JomPAY

Via Maybank2u web:

  1. Log in to your M2U account and go to ‘Pay & Transfer’, then ‘Pay’.
  2. Select the account to ‘Pay From’.
  3. Select JomPAY under ‘Pay To’.
  4. Key in the respective biller code (28670 for Sukuk Prihatin Pelaburan or 14076 for Sukuk Prihatin Sumbangan).
  5. Key in your mobile no. under Ref-1 and email address under Ref-2.
  6. Key in the amount and select effective date.
  7. Agree to general T&C, Sukuk Rakyat T&C and click ‘Pay’ to proceed.

Via Maybank2u MY App:

  1. Login to your M2U account.
  2. Tap on ‘Pay’ and select the account to pay from.
  3. Tap on ‘JomPAY’, then ‘NEW JomPAY’.
  4. Key in the respective biller code (28670 for Sukuk Prihatin Pelaburan or 14076 for Sukuk Prihatin Sumbangan).
  5. Key in your mobile no. under Ref-1.
  6. Key in the amount.
  7. Key in your email address under Ref-2, then select effective date.
  8. Tap on ‘Proceed’ to authorise your payment.

Kindly note that your mobile no. and email address are compulsory upon subscription in order to receive notifications and Sukuk Prihatin quarterly e-statement (which is required for tax relief).

How to subscribe via Maybank2u using DuitNow

Via Maybank2u web:

  1. Log in to your M2U account.
  2. Go to ‘Pay & Transfer’, click ‘Transfer’ then select the account to ‘Transfer From’.
  3. Select DuitNow under ‘Transfer To’.
  4. Select Business Registration Numbers and key in the details (SUKUKP20PEL for Sukuk Prihatin Pelaburan or SUKUKP20SUM for Sukuk Prihatin Sumbangan).
  5. Key in your ‘Transfer Amount’, then select effective date.
  6. Key in your mobile no. under ‘Recipient’s Reference’.
  7. Click on ‘Additional Info’ and key in your email address under ‘Other Transfer Details’.
  8. Agree to T&C and click ‘Transfer’ to proceed.

Via Maybank2u MY App:

  1. Login to your M2U account.
  2. Tap on ‘Transfer’ then ‘Transfer via DuitNow’.
  3. Select the account to ‘Transfer From’, then ‘New Transfer’.
  4. Tap on ‘Business Registration Number’ and key in the details (SUKUKP20PEL for Sukuk Prihatin Pelaburan or SUKUKP20SUM for Sukuk Prihatin Sumbangan).
  5. Key in the amount, then select effective date.
  6. Key in your mobile no. under ‘Recipient Reference’ and email address under both ‘Additional Information’ and ‘Payment Details’
  7. Tap on ‘Continue’ to proceed with payment authorisation.

Kindly note that your mobile no. and email address are compulsory upon subscription in order to receive notifications and Sukuk Prihatin quarterly e-statement (which is required for tax relief).

More Info

Click here for the complete step-by-step guide to apply for Sukuk Prihatin. 

For more information, kindly refer to Sukuk Prihatin Knowledge Pack (English) or Pek Maklumat Sukuk Prihatin (Bahasa Malaysia) which contains further information on Sukuk Prihatin, e.g., PENJANA initiatives, Step-by-Step Guide on Application Process, etc.

For terms & conditions, kindly refer to Sukuk Prihatin Terms & Conditions (English) or Terma & Syarat Sukuk Prihatin (Bahasa Malaysia).

Click here for FAQ

Visit for more information on PENJANA initiatives as well as Sukuk Prihatin.

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