Equity Investment Centres (EIC)
Our Equity Investment Centres are spread across the country and managed by professional Investment Sales Executives to assist you in your investment needs. Our straight through processing system frees you from the hassle of dealing separately with brokers and banks. And remember to take the opportunity to enjoy the convenience of trading and lower brokerage via our internet banking portal, Maybank2u.com.
For further enquiries, navigate to our Locate Us page and select ‘Equity Investment Centres/Kiosks’ to find the contact information of our branches or log in Online Stocks via www.maybank2u.com
*Subject to the Bank's Terms and Conditions
**Subject to Bank's capping and any other collateral/security acceptable from time to time
Click here for Product Disclosure Sheet for Share Margin Financing
Click here for Product Disclosure Sheet for Share Margin Financing (BM)
Click here for our Net Worth Calculator to find out how much you’re worth.
Navigate to our Locate Us page and select ‘Equity Investment Centres/Kiosks’ on the landing page or visit our Maybank Islamic Branches and Maybank branches for more information.