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M2U Pin / Password
What should I do if I forgot my M2U username and password?
If you've forgotten your M2U username and password, here is what you need to do:
- Click on the "Forgot Username/Password" in M2U home page
- Key in the required fields.
- Access No/Card No. (this is your ATM/Debit Card No. or your Credit Card No.)
- Pin (enter Card PIN or if you using Access No, key in Internet Banking PIN)
- Click "Submit"
- Your username will be displayed. To proceed with Forgot Password, click on the Reset Password.
- Key in your new password and confirm your new password. Then, key in the TAC mobile number you received on your mobile and click "Submit"
- You can now login to M2U with your new password.
- Applicable for Individual and Sole Proprietor accounts only.
- Not applicable for imteen, and Professional & Partnership accounts.
- Your mobile phone must be registered to receive TAC in order to use this service
- Access No. is a 16-digit number given by your home branch in absence of an ATM Card or Credit Card
- Passwords must be alphanumeric with 8 to 12 characters.
If you do not have a TAC registered mobile, please contact our Customer Care hotline at 1-300-88-6688 or 603-7844 3696 (overseas) to necessitate "untagging" of your record
Can I change my password?
Yes, you can change your password using the Personal Details after logging in to
What should I do if I forgot my Internet Banking PIN?
If you've forgotten your Internet Banking PIN, here is what you need to do:
Visit the nearest Branch or Home Branch to create a new Internet Banking PIN.
You are then required to perform Forgot Username/Password by using your Access No. and new Internet Banking PIN.
What precautions can I take to protect my PIN and password?
It is recommended that you do the following:
Memorise your PIN and password. For security reasons, do not write them down.
Do not tell anyone of your PIN and password.
- Make sure that no one is looking when you are keying in your PIN and password.
- Ensure that your computer system is secured.
- Always log out when you finish your online financial transactions.
- Avoid accessing Online Banking from a public terminal e.g. a cyber cafe. However, if you must, please remember to clear your cache after each session.
- Avoid storing your password when using Internet browsers. The "AutoComplete" function in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 stores and lists possible matches from entries you entered previously. You can prevent passwords from being stored in Internet Explorer 5 by deactivating the "AutoComplete" function.
"Your username and password cannot be the same." Why was this message displayed when I tried to login?
The message will be displayed if your username and password are the same. For security reasons, your username and password should be different. You are advised to change your password to enable login.
How can I prevent my password from being automatically displayed after keying in the USER ID when using Internet Explorer 5?
Internet Explorer browsers have a feature that allows you to capture and store your user ID and password. This allows anyone with access to your computer to log into without even knowing your user ID and password.
The "AutoComplete" function in Internet Explorer stores and displays matches for what you are typing. To prevent your password from being automatically displayed after keying in your user ID, please disable the "AutoComplete" function as follows:
- Launch Internet Explorer.
- Click on Tools and then Internet Options.
- Select the Content tab.
- Under AutoComplete, click the settings button.
- Uncheck User names and passwords and click the Delete AutoComplete history button.
- Click OK to save the changes.
If I have trouble logging in, what should I do?
Please contact our Customer Care hotline at 1300 88 6688 or +603 7844 3696 (overseas) for assistance.
Is there an expiry to my M2U account?
There is no expiry to your M2U account. However, your account will be automatically deactivated if you do not login to M2U within 6-12 months.
My account has been dormant for more than 6 months, and now I can't seem to login. What do I do?
Your account will be deactivated automatically if you do not login for 6-12 months. You will need to re-activate your M2U account online if you remember your Username and Password. But if you do not remember, please contact our Customer Service at 1300 88 6688 for assistance.
If your account is dormant for more than 12 months, you can re-perform a new M2U registration.