Work out how much you can borrow and save with us

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Estimated Loan Eligibility
(*) fields are required.
Enter your current income and deductions
Gross Monthly Salary/Income: RM  *
Total Statuatory Deduction:
(SOCSO, PCB, EPF, Zakat)
RM  *
Net Monthly Salary: RM
Enter your desired rate and tenure
Interest Rate %  *
Loan Tenure (years)3:  *
Monthly Instalment Amount: RM
Enter your existing loan commitments
Car Loan: RM
Personal Loan:
Credit Card1: RM
Other Loans2: RM
Total Monthly Commitment: RM
Click here to know your
Home Loan Eligibility 4
Estimated House Price5: RM
Final Balance of Monthly Salary: RM
Please note that this is only a general estimate and customers should not rely on this when making a loan decision.
1 Minimum monthly payment.
2 Including loans other than from banks.
3 The maximum loan tenure is 35 years or up to 70 years of age, whichever earlier.

4 The loan eligibility is only an estimate. The actual amount may differ from customer to customer.
5 Based on loan of up to 90% of property value plus 5% for MRTA financing.
Estimated savings on interest from extra monthly payments
(*) fields are required.
Your estimated loan eligibility
Home Loan Eligibility: RM  *
Interest Rate: %  *
Loan Tenure (years):  *
Monthly Instalment Amount RM
Total Loan Payment RM
Total Interest Charges: RM
Enter your extra payment amount
Extra Monthly Payment RM  *
Actual Loan Tenure (years):
Actual Total Loan Payments: RM
Actual Total Interest Charges: RM
Reduction In Loan Tenure (years):
Click here to know your
Total Interest Savings
Please note that this is only a general estimate and customers should not rely on this when making a loan decision.